Please be aware that due to the age of this post, some content including prices may be out of date. For the most up to date information, we recommend checking out our Job Board Price Comparison in 2024 with Serve Talent article.
We have been at it again! Putting together a new tool for our website visitors to make use of. The Serve team have pieced together a page that outlines in one place prices for job adverts across the web. Without a meerkat in sight, you can now compare job advert prices with Serve Talent online.
Our job board comparison page can be found by clicking here. As you can see it is laid out neatly for you to see how much each job board costs to advertise on. On the main page we outline the duration of your typical ad on each website as well as a few highlights for each of the job boards.
All of the websites that we compare have been tried and tested by ourselves. Over the years of job advertising for clients across the UK, Europe and America we have learned which websites provide the best results for specific industries and locations.
For the premium boards we have fine tuned them down to those that perform and deliver the best results for our clients. That’s not to say that more won’t be added in future however our full network currently consists of the following:
This is what’s known in the industry as Flat Fee or Fixed Fee Recruitment. By casting a wide net across various job boards your chances of finding the right candidate are dramatically increased! The great thing about advertising this way vs going direct to a recruitment agency is you receive 100% of the applications and they’re yours to keep.
We don’t just compare job advert prices. You’ve probably already noticed that the gist of our business is recruitment advertising, applicant tracking and saving you time and money! We pre-purchase large quantities of job board advert credits at massively reduced rates. We then pass these discounts and savings onto our clients.
Whether you’re looking to change supplier or may have a a vacancy coming up, we’re here to help. Contact the Serve Talent team today for details on any of the premium job boards and how advertising with us will save you money versus going direct. Call today on 01603 415 100 or use the live chat feature on our website.
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