nor(DEV):con 2019 Norwich

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  • Location – The King’s Conference Centre, Norwich – visit website
  • Date – February 21st to 23rd 2019

nor(DEV):con is due to return in February 2019. This year the powers that be promise the event to be bigger and better than before.

Presenting a new format to include new specialisms, a dedicated Process Track and more. With other development processes as opposed to just Agile as well as the People Track which aims to draw attention to the holistic side of tech life. To encourage young people into tech nor(DEV):con 2019 will again play host to The Schools Day. This will return as a workshop on the preceding Thursday. The famous Business Track amongst other favourites are looking to be bigger than last time. Let’s not forget – the Wine Reception!

Held in the main hall, the Wine Reception on Friday evening will encourage old and new speakers to present Lightning Talks ahead of the main event whilst attendees network.

nor(DEV):con 2019 welcome new sponsors and speakers for this year’s event. The first being IJYI, the event’s Elite Sponsors based out of Suffolk. They specialise in software solutions, consultancy as well as hosting. The event organisers are delighted to have IJYI on board this year.

nor(DEV):con 2019 Keynote Speakers



norDEVcon Liz Keogh
Haas Automation UMC-750p CNC Machine


Aiming for a specific outcome doesn’t always result in what we want in this landscape of people and technology. Best results can often come from a more oblique approach to a problem.

In this talk, Liz identify different strategies for approaching complex ecosystems, starting from where you are right now and making the most of naivety, obliquity and serendipity.

Heydon Pickering

Freelance Design Consultant

Kevlin henney norDEVcon
Kevlin Henney – Keynote Speaker at nor(DEV):con 2019


I love writing JavaScript. The trouble is, so does everyone else. When people aren’t writing JavaScript, they’re usually writing frameworks for writing JavaScript in JavaScript. In fact, most of the JavaScript that’s around these days seems to either be written for, or within, a JavaScript flavor like React, Vue, or Angular. Frameworks make writing your own code faster and more ergonomic, but they do not come without problems. Code written with Framework A depends on the environment Framework A provides in order to work — and this dependency often represents a lot of code to transmit, decompress, parse, and compile. What about ‘plain’ JavaScript? Is it always naïve to think anything worthwhile can still be achieved just writing some straight-up code? It turns out this is a tricky question to answer, because the line between plain and flavored JavaScript is kind of blurry. It’s also not clear who should be the ones to get to write JavaScript, for what reasons, or when. But there’s no doubt the little we do as web developers is often done with much more than we need.

Event Sponsors

More sponsors for the nor(DEV):con 2019 include:

  • Mind – Mental health charity in Norwich
  • Spicule – Data Processing Experts
  • Derivco
  • Eagle Labs by Barclays
  • Amethyst Palm – Holistic Therapies

You can view the full event itinerary and details on how to get involved on the Tech East website. For more IT & Engineering news and events info visit our blog.

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