Salary Growth for Tech Sector

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Salaries in various speciality positions in the tech sector have increased by more than 10% in the past year. This rise comes from the increasing demand for highly skilled technical workers, combined with businesses trying to contend for this talent.

Computer operators, cyber security experts and technical writers received a wage growth of more than 10% in the last 12 months, while SEEK data shows that the average salary for IT architects exceeds £100,000. These tremendous rates can be compared to the annual national average of only 1.9%, as reported by Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Chief executive of marketplace firm 99design, Patrick Llewellyn, revealed that increased competition has motivated the company to “lift its game to build a workplace that is attractive, get more hands on with universities and think about ways in which we can train younger talent earlier on”.

Recruiters interviewed by The Financial Review admitted that tech workers now prefer to work for established tech companies as opposed to big corporates – which in previous years were the source of the most wanted jobs.

Phil Sheridan, Senior Managing Director at the recruitment consultancy, Robert Half reports:

“In the face of an expanding skills shortage, organisations are thinking about what they can offer alongside competitive salaries. Many businesses are looking at the full package they can offer to keep staff engaged, motivated and happy”

Thus asserting that even with the tremendous wage growth, companies are needing to find additional factors that they can use to attract and win tech workers over with. Affix Group’s Founder of Recruiter, Jarrad Skeen explains that many people in tech do not need to look for work as it is common for them to be pursued. Thus creating a more competitive climate to recruit in, hence why companies are considering what more they can offer tech workers alongside the heightened salary.

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